Monday, November 14, 2016




This free web tool allows teachers to engage the students in interactive lessons by using a multitude of resources that are places into one convenient space.  The teacher can incorporate videos from youtube, web resources, pictures, dropbox, and google drive.  This can be used as an assessment tool by incorporating quizzes.   The quizzes will be in the lesson for the students to answer before moving on.  The classroom will be flipped so that the students become a teacher.  This is a great way to create lessons in an interactive way that they students would find more interesting.  The students can also present their own work on the website for the teacher to view.  This can be accessed anywhere the student has internet access.  The students can work at their own pace. The problem is that the students must go through every step of the lesson and they cannot skip over what they already know.  Also,  it opens a new tab which can cause the students to become off task.

Ed puzzle


This allows teachers to make any video into a lesson, you can crop videos and add voice overs.  Teachers select videos, edit them, and assign them to students.  The teacher can quiz the students while they are watching the video, and the teacher can see who is watching the video.  This helps teachers make any video into a lesson.  The teacher can add their own voice to the video but they have to add their voice to the whole video,  they can not pick and choose where to place it.  The teacher can see who has watched the video and how long they have watched it.  The only problem is that it has to be done in the classroom.  The students cannot take the assessment home to watch on their own. 

Whole brain teaching

When people think of whole brain teaching they might not really understand what it means.  When I think of it I think of the call and response method.  For example when the students are being too loud the teacher will say "class?" and the students will respond with "yes!" the teacher can say class any way they want and the students have to respond in the same way.  If the teacher says "class class class" the students must respond with "yes yes yes"  Some ways the teacher can use whole brain teaching is to have rules in the classroom.  Most teachers have 5 basic rules,  1 follow directions quickly, 2 raise your hand, 3 make smart choices, 4 be safe, kind and honest, 5 keep your teacher happy.  The teacher will have the students act out these rules with gestures until they really understand what to do in the classroom.  Also, there is teach! okay! where the teacher will say something to the class then ask them to teach other what they just learned.  when the teacher says teach! the students respond with okay! then they will tell the person next to them what they have just learned.  Also, some teachers use a score board.  With the score board game the teacher will give the class points for being good or bad.  If they have more good points then they will get rewarded at the end of the lesson.  Some other things are "hands and eyes", mirror, hocus pocus, chairs and bodies and hugs and bubbles.  The students also get brain breaks when they have worked hard. 

Google cardboard glasses

Google cardboard glasses enable students and teachers to go on amazing adventures while being completely immersed in the content.  Teachers have complete control over the content being explored while the students have their hands on learning experiences. Teachers are able to create lessons that will help students make lifelong memories in the classroom.  The cardboard glasses help the students watch a 360 video and feel like you are in the video or at the place.  This is the first piece of technology to bridge the gap and help the students explore new places.  The students go on virtual field trips all around the world no matter where they want to go.  The videos are made from google street view.  While the students are viewing the video the teacher can guide the students throughout the video.  The teacher can use her iPad to point the students in the direction on what they are talking about or studying at that time.  The glasses cost from $5 to $15 but there are ways to make one on your own.  This uses the same technology as virtual reality technology.  The only problem with it is that it is a single use experience.  The students can use old smart phones or old devices so the cost will stay down.  This is a great way to explain culture and religion from the classroom.  The students can view anything from all around the world.  They can go on a trip without leaving their desk.  The videos can be found on YouTube.  This could be great for students with autism because it will take them to a place they might be going and they will know what it looks like before they get there.  Some apps are expeditions, nytvr, sketchfab, google street view, titans of space, inmind vr, orbulus.  

Flipping the classroom

A flipped classroom is an approach to teaching in which the classwork and the homework are reversed.  The teacher assigns short video lectures for the students to view at home before class.  The lectures can be found either online, created by the teacher or both.  This does require the students to own their own device which can be a problem.  The students become familiar with the material and come up with questions to ask once they get into the classroom.  When the students come back into the classroom the teacher can help them apply their new knowledge and answer any questions they may have.  This creates a flexible environment for the students because they can catch up or work at their own pace.  When the student is out sick they can still access the assignment for that day.    This creates a new learning culture which helps the students succeed.  Any class can be flipped no matter what the subject is.  Some teachers are trying a faux flipped classroom.  The students will all view the lessons on their own device in the classroom so that they do not have to worry about having internet access.  This also gives the teacher a chance to make sure they all stay on task.  The students can ask the teacher questions if they need to and it becomes more fun for them.  The students do not look at it as work.  They have more ownership over their work because they are looking things up and learning on their own.  The students will use their own resources to find answers to questions before going to the teacher for help.  This will help the students learn how to be independent.  Students are able to work at their own pace, go back over a lesson or research the work until they understand it.  The teacher can help the students stay on task and give them more of they are going fast or give them less if they need more time on one assignment.  Some different apps the teacher can use to help to flip the classroom are Go Class, Edpuzzle, and Blendspace.  This has been tested out in many classrooms and maybe one day all classrooms will be flipped.