Monday, November 14, 2016


This free web tool allows teachers to engage the students in interactive lessons by using a multitude of resources that are places into one convenient space.  The teacher can incorporate videos from youtube, web resources, pictures, dropbox, and google drive.  This can be used as an assessment tool by incorporating quizzes.   The quizzes will be in the lesson for the students to answer before moving on.  The classroom will be flipped so that the students become a teacher.  This is a great way to create lessons in an interactive way that they students would find more interesting.  The students can also present their own work on the website for the teacher to view.  This can be accessed anywhere the student has internet access.  The students can work at their own pace. The problem is that the students must go through every step of the lesson and they cannot skip over what they already know.  Also,  it opens a new tab which can cause the students to become off task.

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