Monday, November 14, 2016

Green screen

For many years green screen has been used in TV and movies.  Green screen is a great tool to use when you do not have a lot of space but you want to make it appear like you are in another place.  This technology has been used to create a magical effect when shooting movies. Green screen combines images from multiple sources into a single video. Images can come from a live video camera or a pre-recoreded video. These are the same screens used in movies to make images in the background appear as many different things.   In the movies they use green screen to make things look different than they actually are.  When someone falls off a cliff in the movies in fact they are actually falling into a giant green pillow.  These days green screen is used in many different places including the classroom.  Students can use green screen technology to make their homework come alive.  Most students do not like doing homework or projects.  By using a green screen the students can record themselves acting out their book report or story.  After they record themselves the video can be edited to add an image behind the students.  For example a student could video themselves doing a book report about the ocean while it looks like they are in the ocean. There are many different apps that can be used to create a green screen video right from an iPad. When using the apps the students will choose a video or photo of a place from anywhere around the world.  The students will then video each other reading or acting out their assignment. Then they can use the iPad to place a new background of their choice onto their video.  When someone videos their video it will look like they have traveled to that place when in fact they did not leave the classroom. When the students use these type of apps they will have more fun with the project.  They will be able to show their creativity in what they are doing.  The students will be able to express themselves and probably be able to show more of what they know.  This helps shy students or students who cant write be able to explain everything they have learned.  Every classroom should have this technology.  you can google green screen or use table clothes from dollar tree.  Make sure you have good lighting.  This could be great for research projects.  

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